248-808-3130 dan@caseanalysis.com


It takes a lot of moving pieces to line up to get a great result. If you need assistance in:

Witness preparation for deposition and trial: Dan Ambrose has been preparing witnesses, both lay and expert for other lawyers for the past seven years. If your plaintiff is disconnected, unlikeable, or just has a hard time connecting, we can help fix him/her.

Presentation skills: We can show you how to use various mediums, Ipevo, flip chart, foam core board, physical model, PowerPoint, as well as your body and voice to be a hypnotic presenter not just in opening and closing, but in the cross and direct as well.

Voir dire: We can help you write case-specific voir dire and practice presenting it with focus groups to refine it for trial.

Many of our presenters are available to consult on your case. If you are interested, please email Dan (dan@caseanalysis.com) to further discuss or call 248-808-3130